Saturday, 14 May 2016

New Look 6483.... in less than a week

My last post was a round up of my favourite simple sewing patterns in my stash. I've finished my first make, New Look 6483! And it look me less than a week! I spent a bit of time adjusting the pattern last weekend, and then it probably took two evenings of sewing plus a little bit of of  extra time hand sewing. Not bad for me!

The pattern came free with Sew Magazine this month. It comes with 5 different options. I chose view E with the wider neckline as I felt this was the most flattering.  The suggested fabrics are ginghams, laundered cottons (which is just cotton that has been washed to remove the stiffness caused by the sizing), silks, silk types, rayons etc. So fabric with a bit of drape is required.

The top does not have a zip and is fasten with a simple thread loop and button.  There is an all in one facing for the neck and armholes. The pattern is rated "easy" and claims to take one hour to sew! (not including cutting out time etc).

However, my major rookie mistake on this pattern was not reading the instructions through fully before starting!  I was merrily sewing along following the instructions for view A, and when I came to attach the facing I realized that View B-E are constructed in a different way.  Out came the seam ripper! Note to self always read the instructions fully before starting.

While this is a fairly simple make in the fact that there is no zip, I'd actually say the finishing of the facing is quite tricky and a beginner might struggle with this. This was a new technique to me although I have done an all in one facing before on my Simplicity 1609 dress, this version was constructed differently. The facing is attached the neck edge and armholes then turned to the inside. The shoulder seams are then sewn being careful not to catch the pressed edge of the facing in the stitching. The shoulder seams are then slipped under the facing, and the edges of the facing are slipped stitched together, like I said, quite tricky!

The top has slits at the sides and these are finished with mitred corners.  This is quite tricky too and this was also a new technique to me.  I do love it though when you learn new things along the way!

I also couldn't remember for the life of me how to do the thread loop either so this video on youtube came in handy! I also made a self covered button to match the top.

My material came from the market stall in St Albans where I often pick up fabric.  It cost £3 for a metre and is 100% cotton.  I also noticed he had the same fabric in white, so may go back to get some more if he still has it.

Button, thread, interfacing all came from my stash and the pattern was free with Sew magazine so this beauty of a top cost me £3 to make!

With regards to sizing, I decided to take a new approach.  I got Fit for Real People for my birthday and I used this to help.  Fit for Real People is a brilliant book, it looks really dated but there is so much useful information in there, I thoroughly recommend buying it if you are looking for fitting advice.

I made a similar top when I started blogging, New Look 6356 in a size 14, based on my bust size, and that came out huge before I adjusted the back. So this time, I took my high bust measurement and cut out a size 10 based on this measurement.  I then tried on the tissue which is tricky on your own, believe me, and measured to the centre front.  I needed to make a 5/8 inch bust adjustment which I did to the paper pattern. I then decided to just go ahead and make my top as the material was inexpensive and I had done most of the fitting with the tissue pattern.

Anyway the result is pretty good I think! It was a lovely day today and I was able to get some photos in the garden for a change.  Oscar was keen to join in with the fun too. It was very bright today so apologies for the squinting.

I'm really pleased with the fit of this top. The top fits nicely round the bust and the back is not too wide.  There is maybe a slight gaping at the back neckline but nothing like I have had before.  I think I need now to adjust for a slight round neck which involves adding an extra wedge of the material to the back neckline to raise it slightly so that it doesn't gape away from the curve of the back.

I thoroughly recommend New Look 6483 as it is a great little wardrobe builder. It's exactly the sort of top I can wear to work or dress down with jeans.  I can definitely see me making some more of these, especially as it can be squeezed out of a metre of fabric!

Anyone else made this pattern, I would love to hear from you?  And if you made it in an hour, I'm mightily impressed!

Catherine x


  1. Looks like an excellent fit, love the covered button too! x

    1. Thank you, I'm very pleased with this top x

  2. Ooh I just bought Sew magazine for that pattern! Great to see it sewn up on somebody. The fit and style looks really good. I love the little covered button at the back too.

    I'm pretty much the slowest sewer in the world so I can guarantee my version will not be done within an hour. A month perhaps, hehe.

    1. It's a great little top I definitely recommend it. I'm a really slow sewer too, would never cut it on the sewing bee!

  3. Looks great. I made view C, love it & want to make all the other views!

    1. Thank you, yes I think I'd like to try the other views too. Maybe the t-shirt version next?

  4. Firstly thanks so much for this blog, it is very helpful and informative.
    I have just bought this pattern and some lovely material, I'm very excited about getting started with it, but I'm concerned about sizing.
    I would normally buy a size 8 or 10 in a shop. Using the measurement guide on the pattern, I should be making a size 14 at least. I keep seeing people say this top comes up quite big. Do you think I would be safe doing a size 10?
    Angela xxx

    1. Hi Angela. Thanks so much for saying that you liked my blog. Have you tried measuring your high bust? Sounds like you probably need to make a smaller size and do a Full bust adjustment. I would think a 14 would be too big. I am a size 12 in shop bought tops. I should be a 14 according the measurements but I made a 10 - and did a full bust adjustment. I'd recommend tracing the tissue (so that you have the original in tact) if you can and trying it on first, to see what the fit is like. If that is too difficult cut up an old sheet and make a test version first, you don't want to ruin your lovely material! Catherine xx

  5. I'm ready to toss the whole thing out! I'm at the point where the shoulder seams need to be sewn. After sewing the shoulder seams on the outer fabric, I can not get the facing to line up. If I slip stitch them together, the right side of the top bunches up at the shoulder.
    Everthing else on the top matches perfectly. Can you give me some help?

  6. I have recently finished the same pattern E, but found mine to be tight, even though I took measurements. I fixed the problem by letting out the side seams, but I also found that the front facing was printed 1.5cm too big. So when the shirt was finished it was lumpy underneath. If I lay it on top of the front pattern, it does not match, so I have reduced the size of the facing at the centre fold mark and I’m going to try again. I am wondering if anyone else has found the front facing for E to be out of whack. The only thing I’ve heard people say is that it is generally too big. It is the opposite for me.


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