Friday 8 June 2018

My Sewing Machines

Today I thought I'd share my sewing machines with you!

My original machine is a John Lewis JL125 that I got for my birthday from my mum and dad quite a few years ago.

Until just before I started this blog, it hadn't really been used that much. I'd used it to whip up a huge collection of drawstring bags and that was about it. However since I started sewing seriously, it has pretty much been in constant use. In fact I think it is about time I got it serviced.

It's a fairly basic model but covers everything I needed at the time. Unfortunately you can no longer buy this model from John Lewis but they have similar models in the same price range. John Lewis machines are made by Janome so I would recommend them. You can get the JL110 which is a great value beginner's machine.

It has a range of stitches, and came with a a zig-zag foot and 4 step buttonhole foot which is a bit tricky to use I will be honest. I have so far bought a rolled hem foot, invisible zipper foot, a walking foot and a quarter-inch foot (all made by Janome).

I also recommend this book which is a brilliant guide if you are looking to get the most out of your accessories.

I also have an overlocker, a Brother 1034D, which I have had for a couple of years now. It's a fairly basic model but it does all I need, although I still am finding my way with it to be honest. A quick google search tells me that this model has been replaced by the 2104D overlocker.

Also with the overlocker were included three different feet - a blind hem foot, a piping foot and a gathering foot, none of which I have a clue how to use yet!! The only thing I can fault with this is that it does not have a thread cutter which is a bit annoying sometimes.

Yes an overlocker can be a bit daunting, but I'm glad I have one. I am slowly learning my way about it, but don't feel I am using it to it's full potential yet! I recommend this book for anyone wanting to learn more about their overlocker.

My final machine, is a Janome TXL607, a fully computerised machine. This is on "permanent" loan to me as my mum upgraded from her Bernina that she had had for over 25 years to this model. However, she is a real Bernina lover and although she liked this machine, I think she prefers a Bernina so she upgraded again, and loaned me this machine! Aren't I lucky!

This is a fantastic machine and although to be honest it probably has more functions than I need as it is a quilters machine I think. It has an amazing range of stitch patterns, and has an automatic buttonhole foot which is something my manual machine didn't have, thank goodness!

Oh and we also have a John Lewis mini which isn't my machine, but is my daughter's! It's a great little starter machine, and it is a real shame that John Lewis have stopped making these. Sorry no photo as it is in its box at the moment!

Image from 

I'd love to hear what machines you sew on, so please add your comments here.

Catherine x

NB This page contains affiliate links to Amazon. If you chose to purchase a book, I may receive a small commission and you are helping support this blog. I only recommend books or products that I have personally used and enjoy. 


  1. I have sewing machine envy! I use a basic Singer sewing machine for everything. One day, I will treat myself to something better, but I don't think that will happen until my son finishes uni!

  2. Your sewing machines are lovely! I like the colour of your daughters one.

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